I have had the distinct honor of being surrounded by strong, intelligent, world-changing women my whole life. Women who ran the show. Women who taught me how to be a different kind of man. Thankfully, Read more

No one can argue that 2020 was a year that brought on many levels of hardship. Everyone has been impacted in some way from the pandemic. Whether it be a job loss, financial hardship, separated from loved ones, loneliness, we all have had to...
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By Jennifer Scott We adopted our first baby around two years ago. It was the most joyful and humbling moment of our lives. As I reflect back ...
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This week’s Season of Goodness entry is from Kira. Kira is a lot of things to a lot of people here at Sierra Sage. She is the daughter of our CEO Jodi, and our VP of Strategic Operations Kelly. She’s niece and granddaughter to the other founders. She’s a duck whisperer, a ...
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It didn’t feel right ending the Season of Grit series without checking back in with Stanley Gantz. Not only is he an inspiration, but meeting him was one of our most treasured memories of 2020. I had the fortunate opportunity to meet Stanley through the <...
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Jodi chose A Season of Grit as her theme for our Season of Goodness blog series and her heart led her to two amazing women and two incredible stories. So, rather than write her feelings about their journey, she reached out to them personally....
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I’ve been struggling with what to say about our CEO Jodi Scott all week long. She’s a serial entrepreneur, she’s endlessly curious, and she has a knack for helping the people around her discover and unleash their superpowers. <...
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There are so many reasons to begin this series of posts with Kathy Scott. None of this would be possible without her -- literally. In addition to being mother to fellow co-founders Jodi and Jen, her work ethic, can-do attitude, and sense of adventure have inspired all of us...
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Today, we remember. It’s hard to find the words sometimes so we’d like to highlight a touching testimonial we received from a Green Goo customer who is also a survivor of 9/11
Read moreIt Takes 26 Seconds for Chemicals to Enter Your Blood Stream -- But You Can Keep Your Body Free of Harmful Toxins. Here's ...
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